Sunday, July 10, 2005

Powwow with Principal Sir

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"May we come in, Sir", said a congenial group of students. "Yes, you may and take your seats..", came a tough nut voice.
The four of us were on pins and needles feeling jittery about the proceedings. It was definitely an all important and momentous day for us. It was the Interview Day - a day that would decide and put a final verdict on our approach to the school. It was in the air of Ahlcon for long, but we were not sure, it would be so close yet so far from us. Excited and exhilarated, yet wimp and worried, we hastily took our seats and there started a series of fireballs, thrown at us every instant and we were expected to defend them or pull them off for a six. "What do you understand by Discipline", "Do you think discipline can be achieved in true terms", "What are the problems faced by the school at present", "and how would you find a solution to them", "Tell me some of your instances in the school" and this went on and on. Though, you would find these sixty-four-thousand-dollar questions dim and dreary, but believe me, with Principal Sir, every moment is bright and chromatic. Its always a pleasure and edifying experience to talk and share your views with him. Though, you need to be a patient and enduring listener to understand and ornament with his perspective and outlook, difficult though it may seem, but million cents worth.The interview for the school post (as if you do not know by now) took place in two segments and is expected to continue on Monday. The first batch included Ashish, Arpit, Santosh and me (by mistake). The second batch subsumed Tavishi, Niharika, Jyoti, Ashima, Tarang, Swati and Medha. It all concluded by 1:30 on Friday and the tentative date for Investiture Ceremony is 20th of July 2005.


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